Wednesday, December 19, 2007

It's CCCCCCCooolllllldddd

Wow the cold is a shock...the xmas lights wrapped around the lightposts....on top of the lighted streets are a shock....the retail chaos is a shock....
But we are happy to be here. I am realizing by the kids reactions that we have done a major thing by being in Tanzania....they are so easily amazed and happy here. They seem deeply appreciative of seeing their cousins, grandma...friends....SNOW.
I had sushi last night....and a grilled cheese and bacon for lunch today....YUM.
I've been easing into this whole thing by just hanging with one person thus far....which has ben nice...but tonight commences the friend parade....I am ready to see them ALL!!!!
It's good....we are happy.

Friday, December 14, 2007 goes nothin!

Tomorrow we start our journey back....and it aint a short one....we've made our game plan. Swim all day tomorrow to wear ourselves out and enjoy the warm weather. Then home eat a to dar chicago...
Arriving Sunday noon!
Love to you all.....see you soon!!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

A Day in the Life

So just give you an idea of our day to day existence...thought I'd give you the run down of the next few days for us. This morning started with breakfast as usual...packing of the backpacks, snack, homework, hat, swimsuit, reading books, Read-athon lists. Girls must have a hat if they want to play outside at break time...
Then I went running...pretty much the highlight of my day always...I run from school and head down hill then run back up with a full clear amazing view of Kili...great motivation and inspiration. The elevation is pretty high here so I do some good breathing.....Love listening to my ipod, running by the banana ladies, on the soft dirt roads...
Then on to the office...although today I had to stop at the school bookfair(!!!!)...the girls had huge lists and are used to getting their book needs was hard for me to indulge as the books are about three years old and about 6 times the price in the US...but I know it is the experience of loving and coveting books that I need to indulge. SO after paying about 25 US dollars for three was off to the office. Pole power. So typical...our office is on the 3rd floor and I trudge to get up there....then downstairs...up the hill to the internet cafe...with the sticking keys if you can't tell.
I'll leave after writing this to go to the second hand clothes market...Pearl is to be an Elf and Nell a child prepared for winter weather for the school xmas sing on Thursday. Pretty funny to be buying cold weather clothes while sweating from every pore...
Nell is participating in a Read a thon and read for 79 straight minutes last night....she is sure she can outdo herself tonight , then Friday she is to dress like her favorite book character. Nell wants to dress as Nancy Drew's boyfriend....note...not Nancy...but her boyfriend?! Pearl hasn't decided...let you know on that. Hoping for power at home for all these preparations...but if not we'll use candles and headlamps. I was reading about the ice storms there and how there were power weird to think about now...they are an everyday event and I have finally stopped groaning when they happen...
Day in the life....see you all soon!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Nose pickin

It's more than ok here...everyone does it...full force, knuckle all the way in. While I cringed at first...I have now accidently and quite satisfactorily taken this one on. Men hold problem there but catches you off guard the first few times you see it. Men scatch "down there" openly...see nose pickin. Utensils are frowned upon...napkins essentially non existent. Road signs...road rules....don't apply to mzungus....
Many people only shake hands with their forearms...think this is potty related but not sure.
I'm going to add to this list but some of my thoughts today!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Lighten Up Frances

Whew...just took a big sigh of relief. Our lives have been very full of visitors ( so glad they were here) the porter school stuff. I feel like I just took the first big relaxed breath in a while.'s hot sunny, Nell leaves for Safari on Thursday....class field trip ( have you ever?) she has even complained "how many safari's do I have to go on??" Poor thing uh?...Pearl is going to seed farm and sugar plantation. Mama is reading a few books brought to her by the visitors...all is well. One thing I realized through my recent correspondence with the outside world's almost Xmas?! You'd never know here, which is weird in and of billboards, store decorations, fat WHITE Santa's....just life as usual....chickens, rabbits...and people going about the daily task of surviving. Helps keep it all very real. I have told people recently that I imagine myself in the fetal postion in the toothpaste aisle of Walgreens...Shawna told me she saw decorations in the Amsterdam airpost in Nov??? Hope I can cope...
I am going skiing while home which will help on a lot of fronts...staying outdoors...exercising ( gotta climb that "damn mountain") and being a bit removed from it all. Looking so forward to seeing my family...and all "the cousins" bet they have all grown so much....we've been really really removed. But please bear with us upon reentry....hope it is smooth!!
Love to you all

Friday, November 30, 2007

other 3 made it to crater rim!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just found out the other 3 kids made it to the crater the eyes of the National Park they too made it!!!
This means all 26 will walk away with a certificate of accomplishment!!!
Can't wait for Sunday when I get to see them all come down and be presented with their certificates!

23 of 26 made it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just got a call from the peak....23 of 26 kids in the porter training project have made it. Really amazing results and a lot of credit needs to go to their guides....obviously good choices were made and everyone was well looked after. This also speaks to the mental strength of these kids...
Just imagine them up there jumping laughing crying!!!!! So cool.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

More than half way!

The porter project kids are more than half way up at this point. I have received texts from both Robby and Setty....all is well no one has even a headache!!!! This is like a miracle crew heading up....the guides said they are super insprired toget the whole crew up....they have never had other Tanzanians as "client" and feel the awesomeness of this expereince. My sense from their texts is that everyone is getting more determined as the days go on....they'll need it in dark on their final push to teh summit. Keep these kids in your thougths tomorrow as they attempt the summit. I am going to do a background interview on each of them when they come down and add it to this blog. 85% are orphans....the rest are "vulnerable" in some way.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

We are indulgent parents

I am having such an eye opening experience this week. Setty (my business partner and dear friend) is guiding the porter training group up the mountain. I have his 3 children...Carrie 8, Counselor 4, and Prince 2. They are such happy self-reliant sweet kids I am really just blown away. Last night before going to sleep, Carrie asked me what time she needed to get up ( keep in mind she is doing this in English which is her second language)...I said 6. At 6 this morning i found her ironing her school uniform and noticed a bottle of polish for her shoes next to her. As I tried to get Nell and Pearl up...she got her sister and brother up and girls were whining a bit and resisting and those kids were just going through the necessary motions of getting the day started. How does this happen? I know Setty and Winnie well....they are quiet motivated and calm people...there is no threatening in their parenting syles...
It is amazing. Part of it I think is the aren't seen complaining and whining...they don't have the choices of oodles of "stuff"....they don't have more clothes and toys than they they actually take care of what they have. Setty's kids are by no means impoverished...they go to good schools live in a nice house and are very well fed. I so hope this week will open my girls eyes a bit....perhaps give them some sort of grounding for when they go home and are bombarded with manicures and Wii....I think their time here will show them the importance of not indulging our every's beauty is found in the simple things...each other, love, family...I think knowing this will make them more satisfied content adults.
Just my musings for the day....we are lucky to be here and that we can all be exposed to this and realize what is important. Thanks

Happy Belated thanksgiving

Lots to be thankful for this week in Tanzania. So much has happened since last I blogged. Thanks to Elena for filling in....and thanks for coming and sharing an amazing Thanksgiving at the Masaai camp, collecting water on our heads, sleeping in tents, listening to the chant of Masaai warriors at night. To have you be so open and appreciative of the experience made me again remember how much I love it here, thanks for sharing that with us!
The Ambassador of the US to Tanzania visited Tumaini Center last are now featured on the webpage...and the Porter Project is mentioned!!! Check it out...
The biggest miracle is that we got the kids off yesterday....I cried as the bus pulled away (lots of happy tears here) I just really can't believe they all had warm coats, gloves, boots....and the general excitement from them. Now we will see how it goes. Luckily today the mountain is super clear as they do their longest hike until the summit...I am resting well knowing they have great food and amazing guidance. I have Setty's that brings my brood to 5. So funny trying to care for kids with my limited Swahili....they are so sweet and the littlest Prince ventured into my bed last night and snuggled up. He's two and just a little sweety...he was perfectly content as long as he had some skin to skin contact...trying to get the 5 of them to 3 different schools each day will be a feat in and of itself. Pretty funny to watch the kids at Carrie's school oogle the Mzungu dropping her off in a car! She is 8 and so incredibly responsible and mature as are all kids here. she showered and got her brother and sister into their pj's last night...then i looked in their room and the beds were made? UH???? I am hoping their example will rub off on my are amazingly quiet here whining.
So I just found out from two different people that we got grants for the Porter Project...I will be able to collect some of the gear we need (still boots and sleeping bags!!!!!) and bring them we have tons of people coming so if anyone is so inclined, check your closets! Shawna collected about half of what we needed for this whole initial group pretty great! So a few of us should be able to hopefully match her efforts! Let me know...I will be back in the States on the 21rst of Dec. and we will be there until the 12th of Jan. I'll post my number but think my US cell should be turned back on for the month.
Love to all of you...more when I am not being mother to all!!!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Old McDonald Had a Shamba

This is Elena again. Shawna and Elle left on Saturday, and we miss them already! Hopefully they are recovering ok from the jet lag. Jake, Aleks and I are all still hurting from our trip over. I think Jake is pretty much there – he slept through the night until 6a. Aleks isn’t too far behind, with a 4:15a wake-up time today. And then there is me: 2:20a every night since we’ve been here. And I have found it pretty much impossible to get back to sleep – but that is probably due in large part to all the Tanzanian nocturnal noises! It’s funny how I can sleep straight through the sirens, car alarms and drunken street brawls back home….

Crickets – The ones outside aren’t so much of a problem. They actually make nice woodsy background noise – don’t they even make cds of that for city folk? The crickets inside the bedroom, on the other hand, are really hard to take. I finally cracked on the second night around 4:30a and went on a little hunt. The little sucker was hiding until the flooring. I got him.

Wild dogs – There must be a pack of at least 10 dogs in the ‘hood. And it sounds like they hang out right under our window. They barked for at least 2 hours straight in the middle of the night last night, interrupted only by intermittent fighting that sounded so violent that I half-expected to find a carcass or two in the yard or just outside the gate this morning.

Rooster – One of the neighbor’s has a rooster that must be suffering from jet lag too or something, because he starts cock-a-doodle-dooing around 3a – a good 3 hours before sunrise. And Mappy (the gardener) surprised the girls with two new pets today – another chicken and a rooster (bringing the fowl count in the Wood-Prince household up to 6)!!! I told Sarah not to be too surprised if the rooster mysteriously disappears….

Goat – A couple of neighbors have a goat or two. They produce the occasional “maaa”, and are actually quite cute.

Owls – Luckily these guys make most of their noise during the day (weird - aren't they nocturnal??). And the hooting is actually somewhat soothing….

Lizards – These are blissfully silent creatures! They are all over the place. And as Nell has found out on multiple occasions, they do bite. But then again I would too if I were them! In two separate and unrelated incidents, Nell has rendered a lizard tail-less (sorry, Hope). She says that it’s okay, because their tails are supposed to come off so they can escape predators. Hummmm….

[I actually wrote this Sunday or Monday, but because of power outages and the internet being down, we are just now posting it. I can appreciate why it takes so long to get stuff done here!]

Friday, November 16, 2007

The Guest Blogger

This is Elena. I thought I would give Sarah a little blogging break. Jake, Aleks and I arrived in Kilimanjaro last night around 9p - a mere 22 hours after leaving our house on Crystal St in Chicago. We were greeted by a really long visa line, but luckily people took pity on us and moved us up to the front (I think the fact that the boys were in their pajamas helped). The trip was definitely long and exhausting, but I don't think the boys could've handled it any better.

Sarah, Nell and Pearl met us at the airport with an awesome welcome sign and the Happy People bus (interior black lights and all). A mere 30 minutes or so later, we got to their house - big, beautiful, open and very airy. After a quick tour, the girls took the boys to see all of the animals out back - 4 chickens (Grayland, Bon Voyage, Little Grey Girl, Odette) and 4 rabbits (Speckle, Pure, Scarlett, Snowy). Nell has quite a way with animals! At one point, she was walking around with one of the chickens on her head (not sure which one - still learning their names), and her way of introducing us to the animals was to pick each up to about chest-level, then drop it. In fact, Nell just now walked in to tell me and Sarah that she just threw Odette at Jake. I'm starting to understand how Snowy lost her tail a few weeks back....

We all went to bed around midnight. The beds have mosquito netting around them, which Jake says makes him feel safe. If only there was some cool contraption to keep the crickets out of the room. I'm not sure how many there were, but it was so loud! If I had had more energy (and a head lamp), I would have gone on a hunt. As I was tucking the boys in, I asked what they thought of Tanzania so far. Aleks said it didn't feel like Chicago, but it did feel like home. AWWHHHH!

Thursday, November 15, 2007


This morning i woke up to two flat tires....ahhhh Africa.

Highest of Highs

Yesterday was the most amazing day I think I have had in a long time. I think it was the highest of the highs I have had here in Tanzania. Setty and I drove to Arusha for the graduation of our porters. He has been training these kids for free, they recieved First Aid training from the Kilimanjaro Porters Assistance Project and Shawna collected them tons of gear. Everyone has had a hand in the project...I am sending 25 of them up the mountain on the 26th of Nov. for their first attempt and training. There were 52 students in Setty's class....these are kids that are vulnerable in some way...they are either orphans or have lost one parent to AIDS. They are between the ages of 16 and 26...most would never dream of the chance to see Kili let alone climb it with proper gear and food. Most have never left the major responsibilities of their homes, families, school....for 7 days. So the idea of this chance for them was almost overwhelming...Setty based his choice on who would go by exam performance and class attendance.
When we got to Tumaini yesterday the place was filled with excited dressed up kids....and the kids vary so much. There was a group of about 8 Masaai guys in full to the kid who thought his black Reba McIntyre shirt was super fly. But they were beyond excited....flocking around Setty like he was Bono. I had a lump in my throat the ENTIRE time....tears in my eyes...just to see the appreciation and happiness and determination of these kids...really moving. Tanzanians are very formal in their presentations and celebrations. There were balloons, and podium, special guests (regional commisioners to Arusha,who pulled up to the door in their fancy cars). Lots of speeches...expressions of gratitude, skits, songs...just glorious.
The day culminated with Setty announcing who would be climbing on the 26th. When these kids names were announced you would have thought they won 5 million dollars...screaming hugging kissing falling tears started in earnest. I have never felt so happy for a group of kids in my life....for them to see the most beautiful sight in their own country with their friends...and safely guided by my friends.....I just can't get over the idea of all of them at Uhuru peak....looking out at the beauty of their country and relishing in their strength....
Today I feel so blessed to be here and to be a part of all this and to know the people I do here....
The small things we do for each other matter....
Peace and thanks!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Longtime no blog

Hey...been quite busy the last few weeks...also gotten to a place where everything in this country is starting to feel much more commonplace. Not the everyday humorous chuckles more a depth of understanding of the culture. Tom Derdak ,the executive director of Global Alliance, has been here this week and will be here for a few more days. We have had meetings defining the Travel Initiative of which I am the director. We are crunching numbers to present to the Board and hiring staff so that when I return to the States....the momentum can continue. As of now, we have 30 people climbing between Dec. and Feb. With each of these brave folks raising 5000 dollars that really enables GAA to do some serious work here...a hospitality program is in the works which continues to reflect the growing tourism rate. It's all very exciting and my mind is going constantly with the possibilities of it all....
Shawna and I took the girls to Arusha this weekend and stayed at the hotel where my climbing group is staying in Feb. The girls had fun....chasing cows,cats,dogs,lizards,frogs,monkeys.....and swimming...Tanzania is an animal loving child's paradise. Today is elle's last day at ISM....she and Shawna are doing a little jaunt to Zanzibar....then Elena and her boys arrive on Thurs. Once they get settled we will take them on a brief Masaai tour and safari...think those boys and girls would enjoy some spear throwing! we will camp in tents which will be a first for me and the girls...they have only done it with their Dad right next to a house. This will prove a bit different. The way they play and sleep here it should be great!!!
The following week is the porter's first training trip up the mountain....i am watching Setty's 3 kids....time is FLYING!!!! We'll be into Dec. by then and soon home for xmas....shawna and I and the girls did a bit of Xmas shopping at the Masaai Market in Arusha....funny to try to teach Nell and Pearl the art of negotiation...Nell was dying for a spear and shield...i gave her a price and told her if she could negotiate it she could get it....she proudly came back with her puchases....that's the Maltby gene. Then of course Pearl wanted one off they went...and back Pearl came with hers....pretty funny watching them running around our garden threatening the gardener. Can't really believe I bought them a weapon....but...when in Africa I guess.
Love to you all!!!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Oh My GOD in an attempt to be a good hostess and try to honor the interests of my guests we went to a church in a small village near the mountain. The Pastor know ahead of time that we were coming but I was in no way prepared for the spectacle....and the spectacle, was us. I think they were holding the service until we got there....we were paraded into the Pastor's office...welcomed and then ushered into the church. I'd liken that part of the exerience to walking in a bikini in a crowded shopping mall. The kids are so lucky because they could bury their faces and growl...which is sort of what I felt like doing too. I think basically our presence was similar to an alien showing up at Starbucks and calmly ordering a Frappicino. Mouths were agape. THEN they asked us to say a few imagine being so far out of your comfort zone and then adding public people that can't understand a word you say. I tried my level best to pepper my words with the Swahili I
The "ugs" were just beginning I am afraid to say....the service lasted 3 HOURS.....UUUUUUGGGGGGGG. Nell and Pearl kept looking at me imploringly. I finally just started to join them in their impatience and simply told them to pray for it to be over. FINALLY it was over....but I succeeded in "outchurching" Shawna....she made me promise to never go to church again while we are here...done.
Afterwards the pastor invited us into his office and asked me point blank what I could do for them??!! Wait a minute...where is the Christian spirit of welcoming?? I was floored and answered something to the effect that I was pretty sure I was adding to the economy of Marangue....all I could come up with?
So now I have a way glad I went for the truely alien experience....but glad it is over too. Thank God.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Rapid Rate

Suddenly I am working at the rate of an American again. So much happening and then in the midst of all that, I am daily reminded of where I am and what it is like to live here. For example,
yesterday while visiting my neighbors (actually collecting Nell and Pearl) I found out that the new baby they have was actually born in the field out front of our house. The baby was the mother's 3rd and she waited a bit too long to get started to the hospital....also we live in a very remote car is the only one anywhere near us. They felt hesitant to ask me because of their views of Mzungu's. It broke my heart that they didn't ask and I think I have very clearly made them understand my help is there if needed in the future. I went to sleep last night envisioning this poor woman lying in the field without so much as a blanket....again, the realities in Africa hit hard when they hit. This situation is coupled with the trip Shawna and I took to the Light in Africa Children's Center....essentially a home for kids without parents. We sat on the dirty hard ground outside while kids climbed all over us calling us "mama". My constitution is strong in many regards...but not, when it comes to children. I left with a gigantic lump in my throat and visions of exactly how many beds I could fit in my basement in Chicago...and how Nell and Pearl would react to a few new siblings....another visual that I know will never escape my mind. Just so easy to know that I could give them a life that is better than what they are getting presently...I'll wish and hope for the best in their future....but how does one who is as lucky and grateful as me not take some responsibility for these kids?? Not sleeping to well after this visit....
On a lighter of our rabbits is pregnant??!!!! So our 8 pets are about to double? How many rabbits do rabbits birth?? How long is the gestation period??? It's pretty funny to think we are going to be overrun by little bunnies soon....Nell is beside herself....
Time is flying with visitors speeds up....Elena and her boys will be joining us in two weeks and Shawna and Elle are going to take a little jaunt to Zanzibar!!!
All is well....albeit a bit heavy today...thus is the reality of Africa.
Love to you all!!!!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Another Day Another Sangura

So today brings the 8th member to our pet collection. Snowy joined us today, the cutest little white blue eyed bunny you've ever seen. Girls are being very careful and gentle with her after the accidental tail removal this weekend...see Shawna's blog for the gory details. All is moving along well in a positive and productive direction. Our office is getting internet tomorrow( however long ago I wrote about our office is how long this has taken...welcome to Tanzania) the porters have finished their training...awaiting word from the Kilimanjaro Park Warden as to when they can take their practice trip....Shawna brought amazing amounts of gear and we are hoping Elena can bring the rest?!
Tait, the Peace Corp volunteer at Tumaini Center stayed with us this weekend....she and I are working on how best to give the Feb. climbers a taste for Tanzania and the work that GAA does here. We have settled on a home visit...our guests will get to go to a house of one of our students and join their family for a meal...and perhaps a tour of a home/farm/ whatever the case may be...I think it will be an amazing and genuine experience, we are going to do a few practice runs with the studenats so they are prepared.
Nell and Pearl are still absolutely thriving....they have loved haivng Elle here to join in on their crazy animal games. I know for sure I saw a rabbit with a feather boa leash the other day,,,,just one a many humorous visuals...chickens on their heads...etc. The neighbors have a brand new baby and have already entrusted Pearl(LULU) with holding her. Pearl can't get over how tiny the baby's hands and feet are...Nell and Elle have not been allowed the right to hold the baby...but after the tail incident, I think they are smart to be cautious.
Shawna has commented that she doesn't think we will come home...just gives you an idea of how well we are doing here and how happy we all are....we will come home, but it will be love for this country runs deep.
Love to all of you!!!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Shawna's Blog

Ok so THIS ONE is trying to outdo me too!!! But for your benefit and viewing pleasures she's got photos...
While I am getting a bit of blogging fatigue, I think I'll give you all the link to hers for the next few weeks...but stay tuned, I'm flakey we all know that. I forgot to tell you all that while driving in Malindi (coastal town off of Kenya) I saw a woman wearing a Chicago Park District T-shirt? How did that get there????
Shawna's blog is

Monday, October 22, 2007

Eric Schoonveld is Pearl's "arch enemy"

I just peeked at my notes for the past few days and remembered a hilarious conversation I had with Pearl. We were riding in a bus on the way to Turtle Bay (god i miss it) and Pearl blurted that "Eric Schoonveld is my arch enemy". I was so shocked that I said "WHAT???" She proceeded to tell me that he had the audacity to take her to the Sox game and she was a Cubs fan...well actually she hates baseball....well actually he DID buy her ice cream and a cool shirt. It was so funny...watching her realize he was really actually great...not sure where the enemy concept even came from?
So this morning the three girls headed off to school....Elle admited to a bit of nervousness last night but went running through the campus this morning with the Wood-Prince girls in hopes of getting to see the turtles before school started. Nell was super sweet to Elle...telling her she would sit by her all day and answer all questions and share her homework file with her. I think Nell is feeling similar to me with Shawna. I am feeling a sense of accomplishment at all we have learned and figured out since we have been here...didn't really realize how much until I am explaining and showing things to Shawna. We have made some wonderful friends...who i am excited to join with my Chicago buddy. I feel like i have so much I want to show them but also want them to have the joy of discovering their own revelations. I am also realizing I need to be in better's easy to forget here that people are wondering about us....wanting to share in our experience...whether it be my friends and family...or Nell and Pearl's....I downloaded pictures which is a start...can someone tell me how to get them on a Snapfish type album to post for all??? Comments please?? I am trying I swear.
The weather today is glorious...we are going to go pack a picnic to take to the girls at school...children usually eat with their families who take nice long lunch breaks to spend with their children....what a concept uh? I found myself explaining to Shawna today that we never really have that ridiculous rushing in the morning here...not sure why, my biggest challenge is usually getting Nell to leave the animals....we now have 4 kookoo (chickens) and 3 sangura (rabbits). Our gardener now has a full vegetable garden going in the back( it is Spring here)....he gave us Chinese lettuce(?) this now I am off to blow Shawna's mind in the market getting veggies for salad!!!
Love to you all....

Saturday, October 20, 2007


Wow was it great to see Elle and Shawna at the airport last night when we picked them up in the "happy people bus". I'll let Shawna comment on that ride later...but picture black lights and graffittiish painting on a minivan...blasting Cindi Lauper, of course....only in Africa. The surreal feeling of having a friend...hearing about everything there....the rush of words and feelings was pretty great. I don't think I really realized how long it has been since I had a conversation about the familiar. She brought all the things I asked...tampons, vitamins, my mail.....and my magazines. I tried to read the US Weekly last night and acually got overwhelmed. WHAT IS WRONG WITH BRITNEY????? no but seriously, I never have noticed that there are ads in these magazines so acutely before....mmmm....that spicy chicken sandwich from Burger King sure looks yummy. I had to put the first one down....I still don't even know what happened to poor Owen....was it Kate or the drugs?? Someone help....I can't digest the pop culture in this environment....
So now the Schoonveld girls are napping after their long journey...Nell and Pearl are watching new movies and I'm afraid to go face Britney.....and Anna back from the dead through little whats her name.
I forgot to mention that when we flew to Kenya we flew right over Kili....we had a perfect view of the inside of the crater. It was great to be able to show the girls where I've been and where i will be when I am away from them again....they both squealed that they wanted to go up there....the glaciers looked magnificent from that angle.
Shawna brought all the gear for porters and I have to say i am overwhelmed at everyone's generosity and her work in getting it all here. we are giving the kids their certificates of asccomplishment this Friday and I am happy that Shawna will be able to witness the fruits of her labor.
Love and Gratefulness!!!

Friday, October 19, 2007


I really felt like coming home last night as we traveled from Kenya to Tanzania...such a nice feeling. Our trip was just seamless...glorious. We stayed at a beautiful place right on the Indian Ocean...amazing blue waters and white sand beach. It was a wonderful place for kids...programs and games going all day long for them to join in on or pressure..very Africa. I had characterized this place as Disney-esque prior to our trip...sooo not!! It was so calm and the people so relaxed. Our only real stress was keeping the strong sun off Nell.
The girls and I snorkled one is so fun to do with them. They learned last year in Hawaii and had such a great experience that they just jumped right off the boat into the water...we held hands and looked at the colorful schools of fish below us. I have to say, I feel a bit guilty sharing all of this because it was sooooo great....again...lucky lucky lucky. I know it, we know it....we are appreciating it. Nell and Pearl can now do flips off the side of the pool! Oh...and they had ice cubes there!!! We hadn't seen ice since we left Chicago....ah, the litttle pleasures of life.
Shawna comes in tonight and we have no mattresses for them challenge for today. Also trying to get back in better touch with everyone. We have really had a major power issue...and the internet provider I have been using just increased their prices by 8 times their former price...can they do that???? I have been trying to download a disk of pictures I have for a couple weeks...I hope to do that this weekend....
We are invitited to a wedding tomorrrow...we'll see how Shawna is feeling because I think that could be a great time! I am sure we won't stick out! HA!!!
Short for now...but we are back safely...eagerly awaiting our guests!!!! I'll write more tomorrow about their arrival!
LOve to all....peace....please.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Shiny Beautiful Children some classic comments from Nell and Pearl lately. I think I mentioned that Nell and Pearl are the only Americans in their classes....there are also few white faces as well. Pearl told me yesterday that "you can tell African Kids by how shiny and beautiful they are"....she has always been prone to coming up with her own deductions about things...but I loved this one. Then Nell came into my room last night with a very serious face. She said her teacher had talked to them about deodorant and that a few of the boys in her class used it...and should she? She wasn't quite sure what it was or what it was for, but I think the way the teacher talked about it to them made it seem very grownup and almost mysterious. I assured her that she didn't smell but she may someday....she still wanted to use it anyway. So luckily I have a natural brand here that I gave her for her back pack. She thought maybe she should take an extra shirt to use a guise for going to the bathroom when she would apply the deodorant. This was so hard to deal with with a straight face....I had to show her how to put it on this morning...Pearl watching the whole time wide-eyed. It was so funny...but Africa is a I guess this is a significant place for her to learn about BO...those of you that have been here are laughing right now!!!
We finally got the sungura's(rabbits), thus far, no baths. Nell's been "nipped" once....but I think after Amy's early demise they are more apt to listen to my advice about handling these creatures. A mom at school today brought Nell ANOTHER one...because basically Nell begged her. So now we have for Elle TOO!!!!
So Oct. and Nov. are the "short rains" seasons...and today, like's raining. It is actually a welcome reprieve from the dust and heat...short rains are also just for a portion of the NBD.
All is well...we are looking forward to our adventure within our adventure this weekend. And then the Schoonveld girls get here!!! WOOHOO
Love to you all
Peace from Africa

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Falsani blogging smackdown

Ok....this Cathleen Falsani character is trying to make me look I was over here in Tanzania feeling all proud of my little blog...the consistency, slight humor, somewhat informative....then THIS ONE comes over with her fancy schmancy Mac and little teeny tiny microphone. Humph.....oh did I mention the smart, very warm seeming, husband joining her...or perhaps celebrating their tenth anniversary on a private island off Zanzibar....WELL...I never.
As Debra Pickett said about Ann..."wanted to hate her" but she quickly drew me in with her Chicago comparisons (she compared the slums of Nairobi at night to Halsted street and it worked coming from her), things being the size of Grant Park....sheesh. She got me. I like her.
You have to check out her blog. called cleverly of course..."the dude abides'. She's got video clips (of course she does) and great pictures ( naturally).
Today was great....went to Arusha to meet her and our plane tickets secured (finally) to Kenya....crap....there goes the power....I bet Falsani brought a generator!!!

Saturday, October 6, 2007

No Power

We are on day 3 of no power....we have had it for little spurts...but sheesh if it isn't getting annoying. I just read a magazine put out by the BBC that focuses specifically on Africa. This issue addressed the general power issue of the entire continent. In Tanzania alone 90% of the people live without power in their homes it is hard to compain ( but i did I know). This same magazine has an amazing photo of the entire world at night and 'illuminates" the issue. The US is glowing as is most of Asia....especially Japan....Europe has their fair share of light...but the entire continent of Africa is dark...
Here I have heard people say the power issue relates to water sources...drought, hydropower etc. I have also read articles about Tanzania perhaps getting nuclear power...
It's a difficult can these people get ahead? Internet is spotty, lights for reading and writing for school children don't exist...the ramifications of this problem run very deep...imagine trying to just run a restaurant? Refrigeration of food?
It's a huge issue....thank god for mobile phones....this has helped tremendously...perhaps blackberry type devices are the next positive wave.
Just musings....from the dark.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Wood-Prince Girls Racking up the Elephants

Again I need to preface this blog entry that I do brag about my kids....I know it is frowned upon but I have many excuses 1) it's fun 2) I can 3) single parent...gotta tell someone!!! Nell got another Eddy the Elephant today!! This time it was for the efforts she showed towards the class presentation they gave in assembly today. She made several wolf masks for herself and the other wolfs...they were super cute and stuck on with tape....funny. The presentation was a kick off of sorts to their new unit on animals...what a place to study this, uh? Pearl was beaming for that.
So another week under our belt with growth and success. Almost finished with the "kookoo" coop. We need more wood which is usually found by Mapenduzi just around in the area...lots of recycling it.
Just got an email from Tom the director of Global Alliance and I am to meet with Cathleen Falsani and her husband Maurice on Tuesday...they were the winners of the raffle for the two week trip here. Cathleen is the Religion writer for the SunTimes and Maurice writes for the Tribune...I look forward to meeting with them. This is their first trip I will like to hear their impressions...perhaps they will write about their trips...let's hope so for Global Alliance promotion!!!
Love to you all!!!

Thursday, October 4, 2007


So amazing, the repsonses to the Porter Project. I am moved, really. Shawna got hooked UP with GFG...that's Gear for Good..they have never worked in Africa before and are happy to do now it is just a matter of getting this stuff here. We are going to need more visitors!!! Shawna can you post their website in my comments? Want to give them props! Also...Shawna will be guest bloggin while she is here...two weeks girrrrrrllllllllllll.
I am scrambling today to rebook our trip in a week. Seems our reservation was "lost" ug...thus us travel in a 3rd world i'll keep you posted as to where we will be.
I've gotten a few evites for different events for GAA in the states...Jamie(who is climbing in Dec is having a drinking fest...30 bucks all you can drink, she is young) Then Scott Zinober and Eric Hess are haivng their 3rd annual Halloween Fest in NYC...I was there last year and it was WILD!!!!!!!! Not to be missed if you are in town!
So keep up the good work's really really working...hope all the climbers have started to think about fundraising....if you need any ideas let me know..

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

boots and sleeping bags

So this is essentially what we need. Boots and sleeping bags...both pretty darn impossible to get here. I would suggest looking at thrift stores...second hand is no problem. Women's boots are probably more difficult to get here even than men's SOO....there are some specific things to start with!!! we can use most clothes from the Kilimanjaro's Porter's Assisitance Project....but boots and sleeping bags...notsomuch!!! Thanks!!!! Hope that helps!!!

Monday, October 1, 2007

Porter Info

Thanks for all the ideas and responses to our Porter Project..glad to see the excitement that I feel about it resonates with all of you. I am going to put together a list this week of all the students, their genders, and sizes. Anyone interested in perhaps adopting a porter in terms of gear can contact the Global Alliance office in Chicago or Shawna at I can also let you know by the end of the week when exactly their training trip will be taking place. I know of 4 people coming before the 15th of November and then the first GAA climb of the season starts in late Dec. It's pretty darn expensive to ship packages here, so better to burden those traveling with the promise that I will pick them up at the airport here!!! Josh you got any ESPN stuff sitting around in a closet?
Or I can see them all wearing Baked in Boulder hats???? Think about it....and most of all THANK YOU!!!!
Love and Peace....

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Pet Heaven

So we are now in the business of burying all the dead birds in the area...seems everytime Nell leaves the property she comes back with a dead bird...our cemetery is quickly filling. Nell and Pearl's Great grandmother (kind of) died this week. These burials have been a bit of a springboard for discussing her death at 100. They are sad....but in Nana fashion....her death serves a lesson for us all....she was a warm and moral compass for the Wood-Prince family, providing continuity and love for them all. Nana always said she wanted to be buried with all the family pets at the pet cemetary at the family Farm....somehow our little cemetery makes sense. Pet Heaven.

Our chickens or "kookoo" in swahili are on the way....Nell and Mapenduzi are working on their habitat today...what she doesn't know is that some 'sunguras" or rabbits are on their way as well....Robby has captured two for them and just has to get them here from Marangu which is just a the bottom of the mountain. He has one more trip up the mountain for the that makes 9 for anyone who is counting. Sheesh.

Speaking of the mountain...our porter training project kicked off this week at Tumaini Center in Arusha...the turn out was well beyond what we expected. Setty had 31 students....including 13 girls!!!! This program has major will culminate with a week on the mountain. the kids will take a bus from Arusha and attempt a climb, learing about the flora and climate zones along the way. Sleeping at altitude and food preparation will also be things they will be tackling. This program is really really exciting for really is sort of groundbreaking to be first of all training porters WELL...providing them with knowledge of the mountain, good gear and a respectable salary. I just can't wait for GAA groups to climb with these we can know ALL our porters have first aid training, english training and tons of info about the mountain. They are ecstatic about getting to have this field trip!!! I am going to take care of setty's kids so his wife can joion him for the training...she has always wanted to try....she is borrowing my gear...I can't wait to hear her impressions. It will be great for their kids as it is for anyone's that are climbing to see their parent attempt this.....not too many Tanzanian women would even think of wanting to try....she is different. So...I know people wrote me about donating gear...looks like the numbers are going to be much higher than I originally thought...perhaps we should start with wool socks, hats, maybe wicking shirts or long underwear....Shawna is coming in Oct. Sam in Nov and Tom soon after both....

It would be great for these kids to have their first piece of gear before their trip which is tenatively set for

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Lucky Lucky Lucky

Lucky is how I feel today...well today and almost everyday lately. We are just having such a great experience. My instincts were correct in our coming here...the impact it is having on all of us is incredible. We did, however, have a small tragedy this weekend.....but a life lesson learned in the most delicate of ways. A dove flew into Nell's window and injured itself. Nell and Mapenduzi (which means revolution) saved the bird and it became Nell's pet. This was Saturday. Sunday Mapenduzi leaves our property and goes to church and sees friends...Nell waited by his door ( he has a little house on our property) literally most of the day. When he got home she got Amy, pronounced feed and bathe? She and Pearl proceeded to bathe the bird 7 times....then run around the yard with it to dry it...applied "baby wax" (still not sure what that was) and then were trying to train it to perch on the swing they made. Well...Amy passed away in Nell's she put it "two big tears squished out of her eyes" I think it was bath related...but I'm not a vet. So we have since had a burial and many discussions about the circle of life etc. I have had to tell them both all my childhood pet the time I accidently boiled my fish, or the time our "male" cat had kittens or sadly....dead Fred. Luckily I was allowed lots of pets to learn these lessons....I need to remember this when we go back...pets for the girls are important regardless of the outcome. Our next animal endeavor here are chickens...Nell and Mapenduzi are building a coop....then we go to the market and choose our chickens. Can you imagine that ride home? Where should I put them? In the trunk? One of the main reasons Nell wants chickens is because she still has an egg she got at a friend's farm a few weeks back..she thinks it will hatch under these new chickens...hmmm.
Today is glorious weather-wise...a bit dusty but really to know this weather is continuing basically the whole time we are here is GREAT!!!
Neerad a friend of mine has just written me that he would like to visit. He just finished a movie that was filmed mostly in Sierra highlights the diamond mines and their juxtaposition to the rapculture and bling. He has had it at several film festivals this summer. He wants to come in March and when the kids are on Spring Break I may travel with him to see where he filmed. I have never been to the West coast of Africa...could be very interesting.
Pearl is a major digger...almost everyday she comes home to dig in the same is nice for them to be able to be free,dirty and happy. I love to secretly watch her out the window because she is always singing...she makes up the funniest verses...I'll write one down next time togive you an idea!
So Skype has been working well lately...glad to talk to you!!!!!! Our Skype name is Sarahnellpearl if you want to talk to part is...FREE!!!!
Oh...I feellike I should put a counter on my page to chronicle how many times Robby has been up and down the mountain JUST since we have been here....we have been here almost 2 months and he has been up and down 8 times.....sheesh....those of you that have done it know what I am sayin here...SHEESH.
Love to you all!!!!!!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Lay or lie down on the carpet...

I'm lettin my Linda Yu hue show?! HAHAHA.....that's for josh!

Thursday, September 20, 2007


I bought some Polony yesterday. In case you are wondering, this is how the package is marked for bologna...HAHAHAHA POLONY....that killed me. I again laughed out loud. So it occured to me that I hadn't ever given a lot of you my is FAR cheaper to call from there and almost impossible for me to call on my phone as it runs out of minutes in about two seconds. So here goes....0786794218 not sure what the country code that needs to be added on is? Can someone comment on that please? THANKS!!!
Just got an email from Elena Marre who bought tickets to visit on Nov 15th...Nell is going to be beside herself as I think Jacob is the person she really misses the most. Nell and Jacob have gone to school together since they were 2 and have always been in the same class....we live very near each other in Chicago and Jacob's parents are going through a divorce...they have alot of shared experience...I know Nell has told me dreams she has had about him here. She sent him a postcard yesterday...I can't wait to tell her. It is so great that so many people are visiting us...for so many reasons...more people will understand our love for this place when we get back and also be exposed to the amazing work GAA is doing....etc. etc. I am happy to again invite anyone. We have lots of space in our home and would love to have any and all of you!!! I think it can be intimidating to come here for some...but having a home base and someone to show you around is take advantage!
I love listening to the radio here when I am is either R Kelly/ the Dixie Chicks/ or 50 funny which artists stick or resonate and why. I am having my usual Wilco love affair. I listened to Wilco a lot while training for my first climb certain songs really bring me to this place. Shawna and I both used Hummingbird while actually climbing...such a beautiful song..."a man who slept on a mountain" goes through my head on most clear days looking at Kili. And then there's "when you wake up feeling old" sheesh...use that everytime I run....that music resonates for me and always has....Mike Doughty is the same....LOVE IT. My car has a CD player but I have no CD's...anyone want to make me one or two to send with Shawna??? I would love it!!!! JOsh!??? Please...
My mom is comning for the entire month of Feb....we are very lucky to have her here...she will stay with my kids when I have to climb that GD mountain again....HA! She has been here before with me...she met me at the base of Kili after my first of those moments that can still bring tears to my eyes....very powerful. I can't wait for her to see the kids in action here...I think my family was secretly a little worried when we left...but will be so happy to see the results for Nell and Pearl thus far even...
Nell has a big Art Walk tomorrow at school...she couldn't sleep last night because she was so excited...I am so impressed with her teacher. Pearl is reading full force now...a pleasure to observe.
All's still well!!!! Love to you all from us!!!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Just a quick word on this. My mom "suggested" I not use the "F" word as my 13 year old niece(who is awesome amazing and smart) is reading this blog. So first to address Meredith (my niece) I know you know the "f" word, but are insightful enough to look at my story as what it was intended express that ALL of us no matter our ages have insecurtities when approaching new unfamiliar things. And Meredith will you please remind Gamma about her friend Mrs. Tobin who has a far worse mouth than me and always swore around us as kids...and tell her it made Mrs Tobin more relatable and I have many lessons learned from her?!! Thanks for telling her Meredith...also you may want to remind her that I was a teacher of kids your age for years and "get it"'s nice to know at 13 that grownups aren't perfect and that we all need to make mistakes to grow....and tell her that if I had deleted the "f" word from my story I probably would have never gotten kicked out of the class in the first place. Thanks Meredith!!! Love you and miss you a lot hope your tennis is going great.... that we have that bit of family business out of the way...yesterday I went to Arusha with my business associate Setty, we went for a few reasons which surprisingly we accomplished. Tumaini Center is a vocational center that is funded and supported by is really their crowning glory thus far. They serve students 16 to 28 at this time. There are classes in several languages, life skills workshops, Bike mechanics, First Aid and Porter Training. Setty is going to be teaching the Porter training which is new this term. we encouraged Rift Cross to train some of the students/orphans that GAA supports as a way to come full cicle with our mission. This first group will join both Sam and my groups on the mountain this year. I personally think it will be very moving and I have mentioned before there is a culture of bribery and abuse on the mountain for porters. they have been taken advantage of for years....Setty has been very outspoken (to the point of losing a few jobs) about porter treatment. I feel very lucky to be part of this change....Rift Cross/GAA is going to try to always use our students. It is yesterday we finally locked down a "timetable" for these classes. We are also providing First Aid training for these porters....actually this class will be taught by Phillip who is part of Kilimanjaro Porters Assistance project. I think I also mentioned this group...they are based out of Boulder Colorado! I met with one of their founders yesterday and she is going to interview Rift Cross so we can partner officially with them and be labeled a "responsible travel partner". I have gotten a few emails asking about donating clothing and such to porters...perhaps we can be really clear with this for this year and i could send out sizes of our students. So if you are serious...let me know and i will send you emails.
Another thing we did yesterday was buy bikes...I bought bikes for Nell and Pearl and I...we could easily be riding to school...and it would be fun. Two of the bikes I bought have stickers from the DuPage Bike Shop...kinda ironic to be buying bikes in Africa from the county I grew up in. The bikes that are at Tumaini are shipped through GAA and working Bikes in if you are ever wondering where to donate bikes, that is the place...they are located on western ave. So now i am trying to teach Pearl....I am sure she will have it by the end of the week. There are no smooth surfaces so she'll learn to be a rugged rider right off the bat...she's excited! The person who runs the bike program at tumaini is a woman named Upendo...she is GREAT...she works with all males and runs them so is great to see an African woman so empowered in this position. she also wants to go through the porter training program...I SO hope she comes with us...this would really make Rift cross a unique company and be a real selling point as few companies have ever employed women on the mountain!!
So all is well here....plugging along. Nell and Pearl and I are going to Kenya for a week soon. We are going to a place called Turtle Bay....probably the closest I'll ever come to the Disney experience....but they will LOVE it...they have cooking classes for kids...hmmm...perhaps i'll join!
Love to you all....thanks for the continued readership and comments...

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Moshi Office

So the exciting news this week is the opening of our Moshi office. GAA combined with Rift Cross Safari's will now have an official offine in Moshi Town. Setty and I looked around a bit and found a suitable place where we hope to be set up by the beginning of Oct. Rift Cross is will also give them a safe location to store all the mountain equipment they have been collecting. We will be in a 4 story building and sad to say (or good for my training) we will start on the top floor. This is the way here...there are lots of lfy by night businesses so to move down floors you must be there for a while. I tried the American way fo offering more money as i thought a street level space would give us some walk in traffic...but no, the system is not monetarily based?! We are excited...this will allow us to get a broadband connection, have a printer fax etc. Getting work accomplished will be so much easier!
My other endeavor lately is learning Swahili...I have some weird phobias coming back to the surface while facing this...dates back to my senoir year of high school and my spanish teacher. Mr. time with him ended with me calling him a "fucking pockface". I was promptly kicked out of his class, had a rather uncomfortable meeting with the Dean of students and my mother....and never took another language again. Surprisingly...I can speak Spanish. Jay my younger brother still holds a grudge that I ruined his spanish career as Mr. ragone took out all his frustration with me on him...sorry Jay. Anyway...I am having to remind myself that my academic falterings always ( they happened other times as well) had little to do with my intelligence and more to do with outside influences such as: boys, skiing, sleep etc. So I am mustering up some self-confidence and tackling this language. It helps tremendously that I hear it all day everyday...I've gotten to the point where I know the essence of what people are saying pretty much all of the time. I know quite a bit of vocabulary...but i am afraid to go over the next cliff which is actually putting a sentence together with correct tenses. There is no X or Q in the Swahili alphabet and everything is pronounced as it looks....inflection always occurs on the second to last syllable. In a sense this is a simple language to learn...we'll see. So far just bumbling along, always with the encouragement of the people here, they love to have you try....not like the French. Pearl is still the bravest and always quicly applies her swahili class new vocabulary when we are out and about.
So I have had 4 different people from very different walks of life tell me about this book....Three Cups of Tea. Now I have started it and learned that the author's parents started the school that nell and Pearl are attending. His father also started KCMC which is a major teachihg hospital just down the road from us. It's really excitng to see how this American's time in Tanzania is effecting what he does in his life as a grownup....hope the school and the country have the same effect on all of us! Read it! Then we could have a long distance book club! I have been reading like crazy....several books a week. This only happens in my life when i am super glad to be back to this place. I just read a book called Race Against Time by Stephen Lewis....he is on the UN's special envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa and a commissioner for the World Health Organization. The book is a series of lectures...a very interesting and compelling read...he starts most of his lectures with the comment "I have spent the last four years watching people die" his words a wrenching but powerful.
Hope all is well with all of you!!! We are well and thriving!!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Staus Quo

Who would have thunk I would feel like this. All seems relatively normal now...that giddy excitement that I felt for the first few weeks has settled down to a calm and contentness that I haven't know in years. The girls are really loving school...there is a lot more evaluation here...but I don't think they feel pressured by it, I think instead they enjoy the feedback. I wonder if their Montessori base has given them a certain confidence in their ablitities and now they get a chance to see where they stand a bit. We'll see I guess how this translates when they are back at NNMS next year.
Work has really picked up for me. The more I discover about this business and this country the more there is to learn. Each cool location and trip idea leads to about 10 more. I think I will never tire ofthe possibilites of this country. Also the people who come here to work and live are a special sort. They recognize the beaubut also want to be a part of the culture. I have been meeting with a group called the Asilia group who are Dutch partners of a series of camps and resorts. I really want to work withthem as they have a similar philoshophy as GAA. They do a lot of side projects that aid the country and have two camps in Massai territory that aid that ecomomy and tradition. Everyone here says they are doing something of this sort but few do it well. So everyday lots to be learned and discovered.
Alex is comingon the 4th of Oct. and will be here until the he will travel to Kenya with us on the girls Mid term break...I am sure he will demand an area with surfing so this is another thing to explore.
Time is going too quickly..
Love and Peace

Friday, September 7, 2007

Fantasy Land

So I don't think I mentioned the results of the birthday party that the girls went to last week. I need to try to explain this house/garden/fantasy land. This was the home of the woman I mentioned before (the South African brave one?). Upon driving through their gate you are met by two gazebo/pagoda type structures...each are covered by a thatched roof. They have very comfortable relaxing furniture underneath...then you see the life size doll to the to the to the big hole in the ground that will one day be a swimming pool. Lest you think the house is some big Mc isn' is super simple. Just the basics, as this family and most of the people here spend all of their time out of doors. It was an amazing dressed in fantasy costumes...balloons, sweets. I felt like I was on a movie set. Again the great thing expensive magician or entertainment of any kind...just simple three legged races, egg toss etc. All this scene took place in the most beautiful lighting...I say on the porch with the other adults and just watched these ectastic children....ahhh. luck would have it the kids are invited back this afternoon for a playdate...I am excited because it means I get to ask Nericia more questions...she is just really interesting. She teaches Decoupage(sp) classes during the day...she reiminds me of Hope a bit. She has an artistic flare to all aspects of her to pull things together easily. I look forward to the two of them meeting when Jodi and Hope get here!!!
Did I mention that Elle and Shawna are coming for a month?!!! Elle is going to attend ISM (International School Moshi) with Nell and Pearl. Shawna and I will be preparing for our climb/trip...I need my butt kicked in the physical fitness extra weight when one lives in Africa...but my strength is way down from not running etc.
So gotta go buy the bottle of wine for the playdate.....grin!
Have a wonderful weekend!!!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Denny's was yesterday's giggle. Nell Pearl and I were walking home...where cows, chickens goats and banana ladies are becoming commonplace, and a guy rode by us on his bike. On the back of this man's shirt was - Denny's-.....Nell and I looked at each other an nearly busted a funny to see a Denny's uniform used as a cycling shirt. When we tried to explain it to Pearl she responded by saying...I told you there are restuarants somewhere here....guess she is yearning for a Grand Slam breakfast. Last night Nell and Pearl were talking to their Dad...on my dime, but that's another issue just trying to stick it to the interlopers on here...and I noticed nell is developing an accent. Her teacher is from Namibia and speaks an English with an up do most of the other nationalities in her class....don't want her to sound like Madonna but it is pretty cute. Pearl is getting Swahili the fastest of the three of us...I need to start formal lessons and plan to do so soon. NNMS started today....kinda strange that we have been in school for 4 weeks already...hope it is going well for all of you. Peek your heads in Mrs. N and Lydia's rooms and tell them the girls will be writing soon!!!
Work has been going smoothly...just got an email from a friend of my mom's boyfriend (follow that?) anyway he is connecting me to Mark Green the Ambassador of Tanzania from the US....think I should tell him I think my night guard smokes weed?

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Blog phobia

Hi all...thanks for all the wonderful responses I got to my wondering "is there anyone out there". I was moved by how many people responded and the kind words attached. I am now on a computer with a bad space bar and some stuck bear with me. First a word feels a bit narcissitic to write about oneself and ones children without the natural give and take of conversation. It doesn't allow me the opprotunity to ask all of you how you are your's just US and Me....sorry...I miss you all and love when I get newsy emails detailing your lives as I know that is a big thing we gave up for this year. It is essentially for us a small focused our daily existence in the moment. I am very aware that this time is limited so please indulge me in my writing a bit of self-absorbed rhetoric....thanks. This also serves as a diary for us to reflect on when we get back and the impact of this experience hits us.
This weekend was again amazing. The girls and I traveled to Tarangire National Park (sorry I thought it was Manyara originally) to stay at Paul Olivers tented camp. I first met with the executives who own this company to find out about rates and secure an agreement for our trips. They invited us for free to enjoy any of their properties as I figure out this whole business. Nell and Pearl are getting some pretty good perks from this "bring your daughters to work" year. The camp is on the outside of the park...removed from anything, total wilderness. Clients must be escorted back and forth from their tents by an armed guard......lots of animals. The tents are luxrious, beds soooo comfortable...funky lighting and amazing open air bathroom and shower. They also offer walking safaris...we passed on this since I had several other places to see. Dinner was served family style which was entertaining...I could not belive how Nell and Pearl rose to their mannered best behavior. They engaged in conversation with the people around us...mostly English who were charmed by them. I felt proud and very relaxed as we sat by firelight looking at the brightest star lit sky we all had ever seen. On our walk back to the room Nell said "look mom there is your dada" she was pointing at the brightest star in the sky. I t brought tears to my eyes as I have thought of him often here....thinking about how he would have love the search for animals and the beauty of the land. Amazing how insightful and sensitive she is...we have never talked about my dad in that form...a star...but I sure liked hearing her say that.
We awoke early to find field mice had eaten our soap...and it's box...the girls had to save the box to show their friends at school. I am sure you may get a chance to see it as these types of things are becoming prize pocessions. Other aquisitions were the sausage fruits picked up for them by our driver Paul. Paul works for Rift Cross Safari's the tour group i am working with...he got then the fruits off of the trees that they hang from. They really look like sausages. Now the girls have decorated these and dressed them and taken them to school. It's gone so far that Nell even wrote a note for hers to miss swimming class today because of a cold...not hers...the fruits'. These fruits are really heavy....imagine them carrying a big decorated log to school each day....PPF. Pretty pretty funny.
I've just heard that Alex is coming to visit us...very happy to have him here...
The driving is going great...I feel totally comfortable now...I can get around town no problem which has really helped me get going on my Global Alliance work. I now have changed all the hotels I originally thought we would use to better and surpisingly less expensive ones...this will really enhance the programs here. I have tons more to say and hope to have more time tomorrow...Nell and Pearl have lunch play date after school so i better go get provisions!!! loveto you all!!!!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Cookin Pancakes on a Kerosene Stove

Yep...for all you fish crockpot naysayers...yours truely cooked pancakes on a kerosene stove last night. We've been without power for a few days now...makes feeding the kids hard. Can't wait till we get the car on Sat. We live a bit out of town, I usually take taxis to town each day to do my business but to do it again at night is costly. So...creativity needs to prevail in these great advantage of no power is how early I can get the girls to sleep. They aren't real fond of taking showers in the dark so I hurry them during sunset...we read books by headlamp light under our mosquito nets...and fall asleep so early. This morning, breakfast was peanut butter on a piece of bread and a banana off a woman's head...hey that rhymes..would be a good rap verse.
The girls and I are going to Paul Oliver's safari camp this weekend..and to see a few other lodges...Sam and I are not really satisfied with the pricing and type of hotels available for our trips. I am determined to find something special. This camp is permanent tents right in the park...there are guards with guns to keep the animals at bay. Sounds exciting uh? We are seeing a few other places as well.
My friend Robby who was my guide on the mountain during both climbs is finally down from the mountain...he went up and back three times in a row!!! I found it very hard both times and can't imagine doing it three times in a row. This is not unusual for these guys..they are worked so hard and get paid so little. I found an organization in town called the Kilimanjaro Porters Assistance Project...look it up. It is really amazing..collect clothes and mountain equipment for porters who generally don't have anything they need to survive. I use that word, survive, literally. Last week 5 porters died on the mountain from exposure. It has been cold here and also wet..they were not a part of the project sad.
I have yet to address the poverty that exists here in an effort to show how wonderfully happy most people are with their existence. Like all of us they want more...but life is simple...the average yearly salary of a Tanzanian is less than a dollar a day. Hard to imagine really...but when you see the beauty and simplicity of this life...I don't really think most are missing something important. This will probably be an ongoing stream of thought....or theme that I will address. The first two times I was here I was always focusing on what was missing for these people...but now I think it is us who are missing this...calm, simplicity, fresh air, simple language, time with our families. In Swahili there are not too many words for negativity. There is no bad news in Tanzania...hmmm....staying positive...important. I'll address this more later when my thoughts are more fully formed...but I do know that the way i live and will continue to live is changed.
Before I came here, Scott, the ex, wanted to file a court order to basically insure that the kids would come back. He/we spent thousands of dollars doing something that could have been done over a civil cup of coffee....this is the type of thing I am refering to...why? That money could have bought an entire orphange. Seriously...provided for 200 children for an entire year...hmm...hope that will change. Hope my children will be able see past themselves after this experience. I certainly know they do already...they want to work at an orphange...Nell said she'd like to change diapers. Don't have the heart to tell her they don't even have diapers. We'll in progress.
So Josh told me you all can leave comments here now...please feel free to so I don't feel like i am writing into an abyss.
Love to you All!!!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Eddy the Elephant!!!

I am happy and proud to announce that Nell has received an Eddy the Elephant award for story Josh may be on to something about her soon to be released novel. On Fridays at school there is an all school assembly and she got her award but refused to read her work aloud...kind of the silent artist profile she's working. I think she really needed that nudge after a long week searching for her "special friend" I am also pleased to tell you that she AND I both got one this week. I met a wonderful brave woman who is South African and has three children at the International School. Her husband is doing business, by choice, in Iraq. He lives there and comes home every three she is a single mom essentially. You should see her tool around this area in her car....she is so comfortable and confident...spending the day with her and our kids really helped me feel like this is even easier than I had anticipated. We went to a school picnic/swim party. One thing really struck me...the kids here are able to be so free, parenting is a whole different thing. I sat most of the afternoon with three mom's and never once did any of them wonder where their kids were or even get up to go look for them. We were in a beautiful secluded area with a pool, tons of trees, and lots of land. Kids run free and no ones worries....nell spent the whole day in trees, which seem to aid her in her friend making ablility. She was REALLY high up when i found her with the older girls....she infiltrated to cool older girls....makng Natalie in her class a bit envious....she now wants Nell to be her pal. Pearl in the meantime has a posse....she was in the water the whole time...her friends all had floaties on so her swimming abilities were her magnet. We all left on a happy note feeling happy to have made connections and been outside all day.
Sam came back to Moshi from Arusha yesterday...she was full of all she had learned about the potential bike trips and routes. These are really going to be amazing as Tanzania has such culture and beauty. So much to be seen while enjoying the glorious scenery. Today we met with our partners Rift Cross to secure the details of our two Kili climbs. Sam will go driving tomorrow to design some bike routes and the girls and I will spend the weekend exploring lodges....we will spend the night at a tented eco -lodge in Lake Manyara....they are thrilled as Paul our driver has promised them baby elephants bathing and a wonderful car for hanging upside down. I'm looking forward to leaving Moshi even though I love it here....just nice to get more of a sense of what is available. I am hoping to love this lodge and use it for my Feb. trip.
I get my car on Sat....and the girls have a bday party Friday even after traveling more than half way around the world...the lives of kids/parents are surprisingly similar. We'll just see goats chickens and banana vendors on the way to the party as opposed to skyscapers and streetsigns (did i mention there are NONE here).
So on a sad note...Josh 's house blew away...literally....I got a humorous email about kansas and chicago but i know this must be hard for him...please call him...moral support!!!!
My house by some miracle seems to be ok??? thanks Shawna!!!
Love to you is good!!!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Lulu is Pearl in Swahili!

I really almost named Pearl Lulu...come to find out that is the translation in Swahili....coincidence??? I think not. Let's see...I had my first experience driving on the worng side of the road today...I actually will have a car starting on Sept. 1rst. So today I drove to the market with the brother of the people who own the house I rent. All went well until I encountered one of those turnaround type let's be honest, are we ever really sure who has the right a way even going the right imagine essentially going around backwards. My head was swiveling all over the place as the natural way to look is the WRONG way to look. While most people would be scared....this whole thing just made me giggle...guess that is my reaction to flaying. All that said, I made it to the market and the ATM. I am going to tape a map to my dashboard because there are no street names here and no grid system of streets. Places are signified by what they are next it a cow or a big banana tree. Each day is a babystep to familiarity and comfort. I am enjoying the challenge of it all. Even the girls were squealing " don't crash" fromthe back seat as i drove them to school. Thery are being super brave and daring in their own rights. It is not easy to be the "new kid" let alone the only American in a very unfamiliar place. Pearl has made to transition seamlessly while Nell may be a bit more aware of the social dynamics of it all....she is also in a very boy-heavy class and has not yet found what she refers to as a "special friend". Tonight is the disco at school. Nell asked me this morning if it wuld be like a prom?! How does she know these things? She said she wasn't ready for the date aspect of that....I assured her she'd be going with me and Lulu.
Hot dogs and soda are on the both are thrilled. Tomorrow we have a picnic and swimming party also with the school. I've gotten a little more bold with the other mom' an effort to show Nell also...they have been telling me about where to shop for food which is an ordeal compared to my beloved Whole Foods. There seems to be a woman who comes down from the mountain on Wed.s with fresh veggies and soon 400 chickens will be slaughtered if i want in on that action....yogurt is made Thursdays...and avocados and bananas of course best bought off women's heads. The good news...real organic living and eating....the bad news....I don't know how to cook any of it. I have a friend and his family coming over Sunday for a cooking lesson....yikes...hope Nell doesn't spill my fish in a crockpot secret.
We found the biggest praying mantis i have ever seen on our stairs last night....are those harmless??? I think so and for sure told the girls as much....let me know if i am wrong. Wondering if my basement is flodded in Chicago....anyone dare to go check for me??? I heard the weather there is WET. Keep dry and stay in touch!!!
Love and Peace

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I met Jimmy Carter today

So it is an everyday occurence to get approached by people. Mzungus (white people, said with out an ounce of malice) are a rarity...I don't really realize how much we stick out until I watch people look at Nell and Pearl. times jaws drop. Interesting to be the minority...such a lesson to the way we receive people and how much we can express just through open faces. The girls actually love the extra attention....
I got sidetracked....Jimmy Carter, I don't know if you know this but he is a short Tanzanian man who sells batik for a living. He really wanted me to slow down and look at his work today....I had to catch myself from laughing outloud when he introduced himself....didn't dare ask after Amy.
I also met Micheal Rasta today...he is one of the partners in a group called Kilibikes....Samantha ( who arrived last night with macaroni for the girls) and I are planning trips on bikes for Global Alliance for africa. These 3 guys have started a mountain bike company that does trips all over this area. They have a pretty impressive array of used mountain bikes. We are going to do a sample trip with them in the next few days. Sam has lofty ideas of planning a Sea to Summit trip...climb Kili and ride to the coast. Think I'll leave that one to her...I was thinking a more casual cultural trip around the base of Kili visiting the mountain villages and seeing both Tanzania and Kenya. But this meeting got our wheels (pardon the pun) working....we need to ship NEW mountain bikes for our trips in the next container leaving Chicago in a month...anyone wanna head this endeavor up? Having good bikes here would ensure a safe and comfortable trip for our friends and clients. I don't know if you know this but I am here to develop the Travel Initiative for Global Alliance for Africa. We send trips of people here to raise money for the several programs GAA runs here....orphanages to Woman's cooperatives. Check out GAA's (new almost I think) website to get more info. The basic idea is that everyone who travels here with us fundraises a certain amount which goes directly to the women and children we serve here. I saw a few programs 4 years ago when I climbed Kili with GAA. Those images and the power of their programs have never left me. I rarely turn on a water tap in my house in Chicago without thinking about the fact that I have a clean ENDLESS water source....and that my children have a safe clean home in which to live....GAA's work is moving to say the least...thus the main reason we are here.
Anyway...I ramble....anyone have any ideas about getting some decent mountain bikes donated? We have a container that part is taken care of....any thoughts appreciated. Alex....what about Orbea? Just a thought....
well...need sleep, wonder who I'll meet tomorrow???

Monday, August 20, 2007

Rock and Roll Literally

So last night we had small earthquake. For those of you that haven't looked at a map to see directly where we are...Tanzania is right on the Great Rift Valley. About 3 weeks before we came there was a pretty big quake registering 6.6 on the Ricter Scale....where's Ned Field( a seismologist I dated) when you need him? Anyway, it was a pretty cool feeling...we were all safely in bed which seems to be the prefered location...the bed shook and kinda rolled. Pretty exciting for this Midwesterner. Nell and Pearl had no clue, except when it came time to make their coveted toast in the morning and we had no power. What seemed like big news to me wasn't to the rest of as usual commenced outside.
I took a cab into town, not quite ready to brave the "dala dala" ( local VERY crowded somewhat smelly buses) alone. I sat at the local coffee shop and watched the weather change back to beautiful. I have a small list of household items we need so I was daring myself to go negotiate (as EVERYTHING is a negotiation) these puchases.
Here's the scene, I walk into a stall for lack of a better desciption, pick out my purchases and am told it will be 30,000 TSH (tanzanian shillings) equivalent of about 30 dollars. HA..I told him I would give him 7000. Done. There are no hard feelings in these negotiations.....just a fact of life. My friend here told me that whenever buying something he hasn't purhased before, he calls all his friends to get a range of prices. Can you imagine the time involved in this....thus the reason trying to get a lot accomplished here is difficult.
The environmentalist in me is feeling satisfied here, I hang my clothes on the line, have no dishasher and no car(yet). The simplicity of life and it's daily tasks feels I should have been born in another time. As you can tell I am really enjoying myself. Nell and Pearl are in school all day today...which offers me the time to explore and learn. Nell has signed up for gardening...the Montessorian in her is screaming to come out. Pearl takes satisfaction on getting to stay all day and the fact that there is a "duka" (store) on campus that I let them get ice cream from after school. All is well here in Tanzania.
Love to you all,

Friday, August 17, 2007

Nell put down the book...there's an elephant!!!!

What's UP!!!!!
Hi it's me finally. Thanks to josh who stepped in so humorously for the first two about his writing? Did I mention I was his teacher???
So much to write for sure this entry will have a somewhat ADD inflicted tone to it. Let me just give you a sensory image of where I am right now. I am sitting in my new bedroom in our new house...Mt. Kilimanjaro is looming right out my window and also from my terrace...yes terrace. No hut for us this year. I found the most beautiful house...huge 4 bathrooms 3 with actual showers?! The house is gated and has a live on the premises gardner....we'll be needing him because my green thumb is about as apparent as my cooking skills. Oh..back to the imagery...big banana trees surround the property, purple flowers everywhere. The sunset last night was so beautiful I had a lump in my throat. I feel so lucky...the girls each have their own room with little beds equiped with mosquito nets....a must in this Malaria ridden portion of Africa. Don't worry we are taking our medicine with stedfast regularity.
I have been lucky enough for the last few weeks to have been joined by Dayna Block and her two kids. Wow our safari was every stop the kids scrambled up on the roof of the vehicle, finding that almost as much fun as seeing the lions,elephants, zebras, hyenas, giraffes etc. that were almost within their reach. I have wonderful pictures of my kids observing the animals with their new binoculars ( thanks Ted and Dara). It was thrilling and exhausting which seems to be the theme. I was explaining to Gabby, Dayna's 15 year old, that Africa has high highs....and low survive we really have to enjoy the highs. Dayna saved us through our first stomach ailment...I've been reassured super common for kids upon arrival. Everyone is 100% so no worries and much learned.
One of my favorite thing these days is watching Nell and Pearl walk to school. The have all the obligatory Swahili phrases down tehy greet each and every person with a chirping "jambo" "habari asurburi" (hello, goodmorning) People turned shocked to look at them often but they just smile and say hello!!! It is a pure pleasure to have them with me experiencing to share it with any of you as well!!!!
I'll try to write soon....we miss all of you but are thrilled to be here!!!! Keep those emails coming...

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Sasa by Proxy, Part Deux

Don't get excited folks -- still Josh, the ghost writer. I just got a very brief note from Sarah who apparently was able to email me but not update the blog. Hmm...I should have known I'd be authoring this thing for the next year. Anyway, the email was short and written in a choppy "..." format, similar to when Superman is pleading for help after being exposed to his radioactive green nemesis. Need help...kryponite strong...losing...strength. Good news is that the info, albeit short-winded, was all positive, so here's the quick update from Supergirl:

Seems they found a house that Sarah claims is "better than Hoyne Street." For those who don't know, Hoyne is where Sarah and the girls live in Chicago, and it's a great, spacious place, so I'm imagining she must have luckily happened upon Tanzania, 90210. Not sure when they move in, but if/when Sarah sends some pictures, I'll upload to the blog (note: this requires said Sasa to a) take photos, b) upload them via memory card to her laptop, c) find an internet connection, d) attach them to an email, e) press send. Which one might not happen? f) all of the above. But let's hope for the best!). Word from Jodi (sister of Dayna who is over there with Sarah now) is that the hotel has been great, so they clearly aren't wanting for nice accomodations.

Looks like Nell and Pearl start school Monday, and all are thrilled with the International School. The report is that it's an amazing place with lots of outdoor space and turtles (not a typo, she said turtles). The girls are excited as they get to wear uniforms to school, and are apparently already applying their newfound Swahili to communicate. Word is that the teachers are great and have been very helpful and welcoming to the Wood-Prince transplants and their Block/Rosenberg tag-alongs.

Sounds like the motley crew (copyright, Jodi) of Sasa, Nell, Pearl, Dayna, Gabby, and Noah are en route or currently taking part in a 3-day safari, so the communication will probably be even less until they get back to home base. Hopefully some pictures and fun stories will come with the next update -- can you imagine all of those kiddos seeing those animals up close for the first time? You can certainly tell from Sarah's email (and Dayna confirmed) that she is in her element, thrilled to be there, and that they all have carpe diem on the brain and are soaking it all in every second of the day.

Until the next update from Dian Fossey in a minivan, enjoy the day and know that Sarah, Nell, and Pearl send their love to all.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Sasa by Proxy

I'll liken this first entry to when Johnny Carson had a stand-in on the Tonight Show. Why? Because this isn't Sarah -- Josh here, folks, giving a quick update, as Sarah emailed me that she had no clue how to access this, her blog. Shocking, right? In true SWP fashion, she'll blame the endless travel and jet lag, but we all know that IT just ain't her bag. Provided that Tanzania has some sort of wireless tower built in to the neck of a giraffe, you should be getting the updates straight from the red headed horse's mouth in no time (and by no time, it might just be that: no time). But until she finds some morsel of technological civilization, here's the skinny from Chicago headquarters:

I got an email from Sarah from the Amsterdam airport, and she, Nell, Pearl, Dayna, Gabby, and Noah were hunkered down at the local McDonald's, where some golden arch separation anxiety was about to set in. Not so much for the Rosenberg clan, as they'll return to the Super Size mecca known as the US of A in a few weeks -- but for the ladies Wood-Prince it'll be a McFlurry drought until sometime in mid-2008, so it was HappyMealPalooza for Nell and Pearl. However, despite the McFamiliarity, it seems Nell and Pearl dubbed the international fast food experience "a bit weird."

Prior to their arrival, the ever imaginative and sometimes hallucinogenic Nell claimed with steadfast determination that a UFO passed by their plane while in flight. Sarah thinks it's due to the fact that she had yet to sleep up until that point, but no matter what caused her "vision", I'd expect an extra-terrestrial themed new novel from Nell sometime this fall. Watch out JK Rowling, this girl will see your Harry Potter and raise you two fairies and a Webkinz. But seriously people, overall they are brimming with excitement, especially the kiddos, despite less than favorable plane seats and the reality of several more hours of cramped travel.

So there you have the update from the first stop on their journey. By the time this first guest-DJ blog entry gets posted, Laverne and Shirley and all their kin will probably be crammed inside a 6-person van with the rest of the village making their way to the Comfort Inn & Huts where they'll set up camp. Hopefully the next entry you read will be from Sasa herself. But that means she needs to turn the computer on, get an internet connection, and figure out how to make a blog entry. If that all happens, the Gods, indeed, must be crazy. Stay tuned...