Tuesday, December 11, 2007

A Day in the Life

So just give you an idea of our day to day existence...thought I'd give you the run down of the next few days for us. This morning started with breakfast as usual...packing of the backpacks, snack, homework, hat, swimsuit, reading books, Read-athon lists. Girls must have a hat if they want to play outside at break time...
Then I went running...pretty much the highlight of my day always...I run from school and head down hill then run back up with a full clear amazing view of Kili...great motivation and inspiration. The elevation is pretty high here so I do some good breathing.....Love listening to my ipod, running by the banana ladies, on the soft dirt roads...
Then on to the office...although today I had to stop at the school bookfair(!!!!)...the girls had huge lists and are used to getting their book needs filled..it was hard for me to indulge as the books are about three years old and about 6 times the price in the US...but I know it is the experience of loving and coveting books that I need to indulge. SO after paying about 25 US dollars for three paperbacks...it was off to the office. Pole sana....no power. So typical...our office is on the 3rd floor and I trudge to get up there....then nothing...ug...trudge downstairs...up the hill to the internet cafe...with the sticking keys if you can't tell.
I'll leave after writing this to go to the second hand clothes market...Pearl is to be an Elf and Nell a child prepared for winter weather for the school xmas sing on Thursday. Pretty funny to be buying cold weather clothes while sweating from every pore...
Nell is participating in a Read a thon and read for 79 straight minutes last night....she is sure she can outdo herself tonight , then Friday she is to dress like her favorite book character. Nell wants to dress as Nancy Drew's boyfriend....note...not Nancy...but her boyfriend?! Pearl hasn't decided...let you know on that. Hoping for power at home for all these preparations...but if not we'll use candles and headlamps. I was reading about the ice storms there and how there were power outages...so weird to think about now...they are an everyday event and I have finally stopped groaning when they happen...
Day in the life....see you all soon!


Sara said...

and you thought you were escaping the book fair this year...

Anonymous said...

Not to worry re: ice storms. We had them - but no power outtages. I never know where these outtages are! Must be further west or somewhere. It is very pretty with all the Dr. Zhivago gleeming ice but kind of weird when a big chunk of it falls on your head.

I hope I get to see you over Christmas. Safe travels.