Friday, August 17, 2007

Nell put down the book...there's an elephant!!!!

What's UP!!!!!
Hi it's me finally. Thanks to josh who stepped in so humorously for the first two about his writing? Did I mention I was his teacher???
So much to write for sure this entry will have a somewhat ADD inflicted tone to it. Let me just give you a sensory image of where I am right now. I am sitting in my new bedroom in our new house...Mt. Kilimanjaro is looming right out my window and also from my terrace...yes terrace. No hut for us this year. I found the most beautiful house...huge 4 bathrooms 3 with actual showers?! The house is gated and has a live on the premises gardner....we'll be needing him because my green thumb is about as apparent as my cooking skills. Oh..back to the imagery...big banana trees surround the property, purple flowers everywhere. The sunset last night was so beautiful I had a lump in my throat. I feel so lucky...the girls each have their own room with little beds equiped with mosquito nets....a must in this Malaria ridden portion of Africa. Don't worry we are taking our medicine with stedfast regularity.
I have been lucky enough for the last few weeks to have been joined by Dayna Block and her two kids. Wow our safari was every stop the kids scrambled up on the roof of the vehicle, finding that almost as much fun as seeing the lions,elephants, zebras, hyenas, giraffes etc. that were almost within their reach. I have wonderful pictures of my kids observing the animals with their new binoculars ( thanks Ted and Dara). It was thrilling and exhausting which seems to be the theme. I was explaining to Gabby, Dayna's 15 year old, that Africa has high highs....and low survive we really have to enjoy the highs. Dayna saved us through our first stomach ailment...I've been reassured super common for kids upon arrival. Everyone is 100% so no worries and much learned.
One of my favorite thing these days is watching Nell and Pearl walk to school. The have all the obligatory Swahili phrases down tehy greet each and every person with a chirping "jambo" "habari asurburi" (hello, goodmorning) People turned shocked to look at them often but they just smile and say hello!!! It is a pure pleasure to have them with me experiencing to share it with any of you as well!!!!
I'll try to write soon....we miss all of you but are thrilled to be here!!!! Keep those emails coming...