Saturday, October 20, 2007


Wow was it great to see Elle and Shawna at the airport last night when we picked them up in the "happy people bus". I'll let Shawna comment on that ride later...but picture black lights and graffittiish painting on a minivan...blasting Cindi Lauper, of course....only in Africa. The surreal feeling of having a friend...hearing about everything there....the rush of words and feelings was pretty great. I don't think I really realized how long it has been since I had a conversation about the familiar. She brought all the things I asked...tampons, vitamins, my mail.....and my magazines. I tried to read the US Weekly last night and acually got overwhelmed. WHAT IS WRONG WITH BRITNEY????? no but seriously, I never have noticed that there are ads in these magazines so acutely before....mmmm....that spicy chicken sandwich from Burger King sure looks yummy. I had to put the first one down....I still don't even know what happened to poor Owen....was it Kate or the drugs?? Someone help....I can't digest the pop culture in this environment....
So now the Schoonveld girls are napping after their long journey...Nell and Pearl are watching new movies and I'm afraid to go face Britney.....and Anna back from the dead through little whats her name.
I forgot to mention that when we flew to Kenya we flew right over Kili....we had a perfect view of the inside of the crater. It was great to be able to show the girls where I've been and where i will be when I am away from them again....they both squealed that they wanted to go up there....the glaciers looked magnificent from that angle.
Shawna brought all the gear for porters and I have to say i am overwhelmed at everyone's generosity and her work in getting it all here. we are giving the kids their certificates of asccomplishment this Friday and I am happy that Shawna will be able to witness the fruits of her labor.
Love and Gratefulness!!!

Friday, October 19, 2007


I really felt like coming home last night as we traveled from Kenya to Tanzania...such a nice feeling. Our trip was just seamless...glorious. We stayed at a beautiful place right on the Indian Ocean...amazing blue waters and white sand beach. It was a wonderful place for kids...programs and games going all day long for them to join in on or pressure..very Africa. I had characterized this place as Disney-esque prior to our trip...sooo not!! It was so calm and the people so relaxed. Our only real stress was keeping the strong sun off Nell.
The girls and I snorkled one is so fun to do with them. They learned last year in Hawaii and had such a great experience that they just jumped right off the boat into the water...we held hands and looked at the colorful schools of fish below us. I have to say, I feel a bit guilty sharing all of this because it was sooooo great....again...lucky lucky lucky. I know it, we know it....we are appreciating it. Nell and Pearl can now do flips off the side of the pool! Oh...and they had ice cubes there!!! We hadn't seen ice since we left Chicago....ah, the litttle pleasures of life.
Shawna comes in tonight and we have no mattresses for them challenge for today. Also trying to get back in better touch with everyone. We have really had a major power issue...and the internet provider I have been using just increased their prices by 8 times their former price...can they do that???? I have been trying to download a disk of pictures I have for a couple weeks...I hope to do that this weekend....
We are invitited to a wedding tomorrrow...we'll see how Shawna is feeling because I think that could be a great time! I am sure we won't stick out! HA!!!
Short for now...but we are back safely...eagerly awaiting our guests!!!! I'll write more tomorrow about their arrival!
LOve to all....peace....please.