Thursday, September 20, 2007


I bought some Polony yesterday. In case you are wondering, this is how the package is marked for bologna...HAHAHAHA POLONY....that killed me. I again laughed out loud. So it occured to me that I hadn't ever given a lot of you my is FAR cheaper to call from there and almost impossible for me to call on my phone as it runs out of minutes in about two seconds. So here goes....0786794218 not sure what the country code that needs to be added on is? Can someone comment on that please? THANKS!!!
Just got an email from Elena Marre who bought tickets to visit on Nov 15th...Nell is going to be beside herself as I think Jacob is the person she really misses the most. Nell and Jacob have gone to school together since they were 2 and have always been in the same class....we live very near each other in Chicago and Jacob's parents are going through a divorce...they have alot of shared experience...I know Nell has told me dreams she has had about him here. She sent him a postcard yesterday...I can't wait to tell her. It is so great that so many people are visiting us...for so many reasons...more people will understand our love for this place when we get back and also be exposed to the amazing work GAA is doing....etc. etc. I am happy to again invite anyone. We have lots of space in our home and would love to have any and all of you!!! I think it can be intimidating to come here for some...but having a home base and someone to show you around is take advantage!
I love listening to the radio here when I am is either R Kelly/ the Dixie Chicks/ or 50 funny which artists stick or resonate and why. I am having my usual Wilco love affair. I listened to Wilco a lot while training for my first climb certain songs really bring me to this place. Shawna and I both used Hummingbird while actually climbing...such a beautiful song..."a man who slept on a mountain" goes through my head on most clear days looking at Kili. And then there's "when you wake up feeling old" sheesh...use that everytime I run....that music resonates for me and always has....Mike Doughty is the same....LOVE IT. My car has a CD player but I have no CD's...anyone want to make me one or two to send with Shawna??? I would love it!!!! JOsh!??? Please...
My mom is comning for the entire month of Feb....we are very lucky to have her here...she will stay with my kids when I have to climb that GD mountain again....HA! She has been here before with me...she met me at the base of Kili after my first of those moments that can still bring tears to my eyes....very powerful. I can't wait for her to see the kids in action here...I think my family was secretly a little worried when we left...but will be so happy to see the results for Nell and Pearl thus far even...
Nell has a big Art Walk tomorrow at school...she couldn't sleep last night because she was so excited...I am so impressed with her teacher. Pearl is reading full force now...a pleasure to observe.
All's still well!!!! Love to you all from us!!!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Just a quick word on this. My mom "suggested" I not use the "F" word as my 13 year old niece(who is awesome amazing and smart) is reading this blog. So first to address Meredith (my niece) I know you know the "f" word, but are insightful enough to look at my story as what it was intended express that ALL of us no matter our ages have insecurtities when approaching new unfamiliar things. And Meredith will you please remind Gamma about her friend Mrs. Tobin who has a far worse mouth than me and always swore around us as kids...and tell her it made Mrs Tobin more relatable and I have many lessons learned from her?!! Thanks for telling her Meredith...also you may want to remind her that I was a teacher of kids your age for years and "get it"'s nice to know at 13 that grownups aren't perfect and that we all need to make mistakes to grow....and tell her that if I had deleted the "f" word from my story I probably would have never gotten kicked out of the class in the first place. Thanks Meredith!!! Love you and miss you a lot hope your tennis is going great.... that we have that bit of family business out of the way...yesterday I went to Arusha with my business associate Setty, we went for a few reasons which surprisingly we accomplished. Tumaini Center is a vocational center that is funded and supported by is really their crowning glory thus far. They serve students 16 to 28 at this time. There are classes in several languages, life skills workshops, Bike mechanics, First Aid and Porter Training. Setty is going to be teaching the Porter training which is new this term. we encouraged Rift Cross to train some of the students/orphans that GAA supports as a way to come full cicle with our mission. This first group will join both Sam and my groups on the mountain this year. I personally think it will be very moving and I have mentioned before there is a culture of bribery and abuse on the mountain for porters. they have been taken advantage of for years....Setty has been very outspoken (to the point of losing a few jobs) about porter treatment. I feel very lucky to be part of this change....Rift Cross/GAA is going to try to always use our students. It is yesterday we finally locked down a "timetable" for these classes. We are also providing First Aid training for these porters....actually this class will be taught by Phillip who is part of Kilimanjaro Porters Assistance project. I think I also mentioned this group...they are based out of Boulder Colorado! I met with one of their founders yesterday and she is going to interview Rift Cross so we can partner officially with them and be labeled a "responsible travel partner". I have gotten a few emails asking about donating clothing and such to porters...perhaps we can be really clear with this for this year and i could send out sizes of our students. So if you are serious...let me know and i will send you emails.
Another thing we did yesterday was buy bikes...I bought bikes for Nell and Pearl and I...we could easily be riding to school...and it would be fun. Two of the bikes I bought have stickers from the DuPage Bike Shop...kinda ironic to be buying bikes in Africa from the county I grew up in. The bikes that are at Tumaini are shipped through GAA and working Bikes in if you are ever wondering where to donate bikes, that is the place...they are located on western ave. So now i am trying to teach Pearl....I am sure she will have it by the end of the week. There are no smooth surfaces so she'll learn to be a rugged rider right off the bat...she's excited! The person who runs the bike program at tumaini is a woman named Upendo...she is GREAT...she works with all males and runs them so is great to see an African woman so empowered in this position. she also wants to go through the porter training program...I SO hope she comes with us...this would really make Rift cross a unique company and be a real selling point as few companies have ever employed women on the mountain!!
So all is well here....plugging along. Nell and Pearl and I are going to Kenya for a week soon. We are going to a place called Turtle Bay....probably the closest I'll ever come to the Disney experience....but they will LOVE it...they have cooking classes for kids...hmmm...perhaps i'll join!
Love to you all....thanks for the continued readership and comments...