Thursday, September 20, 2007


I bought some Polony yesterday. In case you are wondering, this is how the package is marked for bologna...HAHAHAHA POLONY....that killed me. I again laughed out loud. So it occured to me that I hadn't ever given a lot of you my is FAR cheaper to call from there and almost impossible for me to call on my phone as it runs out of minutes in about two seconds. So here goes....0786794218 not sure what the country code that needs to be added on is? Can someone comment on that please? THANKS!!!
Just got an email from Elena Marre who bought tickets to visit on Nov 15th...Nell is going to be beside herself as I think Jacob is the person she really misses the most. Nell and Jacob have gone to school together since they were 2 and have always been in the same class....we live very near each other in Chicago and Jacob's parents are going through a divorce...they have alot of shared experience...I know Nell has told me dreams she has had about him here. She sent him a postcard yesterday...I can't wait to tell her. It is so great that so many people are visiting us...for so many reasons...more people will understand our love for this place when we get back and also be exposed to the amazing work GAA is doing....etc. etc. I am happy to again invite anyone. We have lots of space in our home and would love to have any and all of you!!! I think it can be intimidating to come here for some...but having a home base and someone to show you around is take advantage!
I love listening to the radio here when I am is either R Kelly/ the Dixie Chicks/ or 50 funny which artists stick or resonate and why. I am having my usual Wilco love affair. I listened to Wilco a lot while training for my first climb certain songs really bring me to this place. Shawna and I both used Hummingbird while actually climbing...such a beautiful song..."a man who slept on a mountain" goes through my head on most clear days looking at Kili. And then there's "when you wake up feeling old" sheesh...use that everytime I run....that music resonates for me and always has....Mike Doughty is the same....LOVE IT. My car has a CD player but I have no CD's...anyone want to make me one or two to send with Shawna??? I would love it!!!! JOsh!??? Please...
My mom is comning for the entire month of Feb....we are very lucky to have her here...she will stay with my kids when I have to climb that GD mountain again....HA! She has been here before with me...she met me at the base of Kili after my first of those moments that can still bring tears to my eyes....very powerful. I can't wait for her to see the kids in action here...I think my family was secretly a little worried when we left...but will be so happy to see the results for Nell and Pearl thus far even...
Nell has a big Art Walk tomorrow at school...she couldn't sleep last night because she was so excited...I am so impressed with her teacher. Pearl is reading full force now...a pleasure to observe.
All's still well!!!! Love to you all from us!!!!

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