Thursday, November 15, 2007

Highest of Highs

Yesterday was the most amazing day I think I have had in a long time. I think it was the highest of the highs I have had here in Tanzania. Setty and I drove to Arusha for the graduation of our porters. He has been training these kids for free, they recieved First Aid training from the Kilimanjaro Porters Assistance Project and Shawna collected them tons of gear. Everyone has had a hand in the project...I am sending 25 of them up the mountain on the 26th of Nov. for their first attempt and training. There were 52 students in Setty's class....these are kids that are vulnerable in some way...they are either orphans or have lost one parent to AIDS. They are between the ages of 16 and 26...most would never dream of the chance to see Kili let alone climb it with proper gear and food. Most have never left the major responsibilities of their homes, families, school....for 7 days. So the idea of this chance for them was almost overwhelming...Setty based his choice on who would go by exam performance and class attendance.
When we got to Tumaini yesterday the place was filled with excited dressed up kids....and the kids vary so much. There was a group of about 8 Masaai guys in full to the kid who thought his black Reba McIntyre shirt was super fly. But they were beyond excited....flocking around Setty like he was Bono. I had a lump in my throat the ENTIRE time....tears in my eyes...just to see the appreciation and happiness and determination of these kids...really moving. Tanzanians are very formal in their presentations and celebrations. There were balloons, and podium, special guests (regional commisioners to Arusha,who pulled up to the door in their fancy cars). Lots of speeches...expressions of gratitude, skits, songs...just glorious.
The day culminated with Setty announcing who would be climbing on the 26th. When these kids names were announced you would have thought they won 5 million dollars...screaming hugging kissing falling tears started in earnest. I have never felt so happy for a group of kids in my life....for them to see the most beautiful sight in their own country with their friends...and safely guided by my friends.....I just can't get over the idea of all of them at Uhuru peak....looking out at the beauty of their country and relishing in their strength....
Today I feel so blessed to be here and to be a part of all this and to know the people I do here....
The small things we do for each other matter....
Peace and thanks!

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