Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Staus Quo

Who would have thunk I would feel like this. All seems relatively normal now...that giddy excitement that I felt for the first few weeks has settled down to a calm and contentness that I haven't know in years. The girls are really loving school...there is a lot more evaluation here...but I don't think they feel pressured by it, I think instead they enjoy the feedback. I wonder if their Montessori base has given them a certain confidence in their ablitities and now they get a chance to see where they stand a bit. We'll see I guess how this translates when they are back at NNMS next year.
Work has really picked up for me. The more I discover about this business and this country the more there is to learn. Each cool location and trip idea leads to about 10 more. I think I will never tire ofthe possibilites of this country. Also the people who come here to work and live are a special sort. They recognize the beaubut also want to be a part of the culture. I have been meeting with a group called the Asilia group who are Dutch partners of a series of camps and resorts. I really want to work withthem as they have a similar philoshophy as GAA. They do a lot of side projects that aid the country and have two camps in Massai territory that aid that ecomomy and tradition. Everyone here says they are doing something of this sort but few do it well. So everyday lots to be learned and discovered.
Alex is comingon the 4th of Oct. and will be here until the 29th....so he will travel to Kenya with us on the girls Mid term break...I am sure he will demand an area with surfing so this is another thing to explore.
Time is going too quickly..
Love and Peace

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