Thursday, August 9, 2007

Sasa by Proxy, Part Deux

Don't get excited folks -- still Josh, the ghost writer. I just got a very brief note from Sarah who apparently was able to email me but not update the blog. Hmm...I should have known I'd be authoring this thing for the next year. Anyway, the email was short and written in a choppy "..." format, similar to when Superman is pleading for help after being exposed to his radioactive green nemesis. Need help...kryponite strong...losing...strength. Good news is that the info, albeit short-winded, was all positive, so here's the quick update from Supergirl:

Seems they found a house that Sarah claims is "better than Hoyne Street." For those who don't know, Hoyne is where Sarah and the girls live in Chicago, and it's a great, spacious place, so I'm imagining she must have luckily happened upon Tanzania, 90210. Not sure when they move in, but if/when Sarah sends some pictures, I'll upload to the blog (note: this requires said Sasa to a) take photos, b) upload them via memory card to her laptop, c) find an internet connection, d) attach them to an email, e) press send. Which one might not happen? f) all of the above. But let's hope for the best!). Word from Jodi (sister of Dayna who is over there with Sarah now) is that the hotel has been great, so they clearly aren't wanting for nice accomodations.

Looks like Nell and Pearl start school Monday, and all are thrilled with the International School. The report is that it's an amazing place with lots of outdoor space and turtles (not a typo, she said turtles). The girls are excited as they get to wear uniforms to school, and are apparently already applying their newfound Swahili to communicate. Word is that the teachers are great and have been very helpful and welcoming to the Wood-Prince transplants and their Block/Rosenberg tag-alongs.

Sounds like the motley crew (copyright, Jodi) of Sasa, Nell, Pearl, Dayna, Gabby, and Noah are en route or currently taking part in a 3-day safari, so the communication will probably be even less until they get back to home base. Hopefully some pictures and fun stories will come with the next update -- can you imagine all of those kiddos seeing those animals up close for the first time? You can certainly tell from Sarah's email (and Dayna confirmed) that she is in her element, thrilled to be there, and that they all have carpe diem on the brain and are soaking it all in every second of the day.

Until the next update from Dian Fossey in a minivan, enjoy the day and know that Sarah, Nell, and Pearl send their love to all.

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