Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Chairs vs. Men with Shovels and Big Rocks

You know that Chicago tradition of saving parking spaces with chairs? I have found the Moshi/Tanzania equivalent. Yesterday after getting stuck for the third time ( i did mention the rain, right?) I was attempting to once again get down the road to our house. This time I was stopped by the men with shovels who had placed big rocks in the road while they "fixed" it. They asked me to donate to the road fund...."any amount would be enough"...after giving my 100 TSH (10 cents) they removed the rocks and I was on my way. I had that same "can they do that" feeling I get when I find a folding chair in a parking spot.
YOU must check out the blog called thatskeen.blogspot.com It has a great U-Tube video of Sara Wright''s visit here...amazing. I love it.
I'm gearing up to climb Mt. Meru in May....the second highest in Tanzania...word on the dirt road is..it is more beautiful...more technical (than KILI)and has seven fake summits. I am doing it with some Mom friends from Nell and Pearl's school should be great.
Hope all are well!

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