Friday, September 7, 2007

Fantasy Land

So I don't think I mentioned the results of the birthday party that the girls went to last week. I need to try to explain this house/garden/fantasy land. This was the home of the woman I mentioned before (the South African brave one?). Upon driving through their gate you are met by two gazebo/pagoda type structures...each are covered by a thatched roof. They have very comfortable relaxing furniture underneath...then you see the life size doll to the to the to the big hole in the ground that will one day be a swimming pool. Lest you think the house is some big Mc isn' is super simple. Just the basics, as this family and most of the people here spend all of their time out of doors. It was an amazing dressed in fantasy costumes...balloons, sweets. I felt like I was on a movie set. Again the great thing expensive magician or entertainment of any kind...just simple three legged races, egg toss etc. All this scene took place in the most beautiful lighting...I say on the porch with the other adults and just watched these ectastic children....ahhh. luck would have it the kids are invited back this afternoon for a playdate...I am excited because it means I get to ask Nericia more questions...she is just really interesting. She teaches Decoupage(sp) classes during the day...she reiminds me of Hope a bit. She has an artistic flare to all aspects of her to pull things together easily. I look forward to the two of them meeting when Jodi and Hope get here!!!
Did I mention that Elle and Shawna are coming for a month?!!! Elle is going to attend ISM (International School Moshi) with Nell and Pearl. Shawna and I will be preparing for our climb/trip...I need my butt kicked in the physical fitness extra weight when one lives in Africa...but my strength is way down from not running etc.
So gotta go buy the bottle of wine for the playdate.....grin!
Have a wonderful weekend!!!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Denny's was yesterday's giggle. Nell Pearl and I were walking home...where cows, chickens goats and banana ladies are becoming commonplace, and a guy rode by us on his bike. On the back of this man's shirt was - Denny's-.....Nell and I looked at each other an nearly busted a funny to see a Denny's uniform used as a cycling shirt. When we tried to explain it to Pearl she responded by saying...I told you there are restuarants somewhere here....guess she is yearning for a Grand Slam breakfast. Last night Nell and Pearl were talking to their Dad...on my dime, but that's another issue just trying to stick it to the interlopers on here...and I noticed nell is developing an accent. Her teacher is from Namibia and speaks an English with an up do most of the other nationalities in her class....don't want her to sound like Madonna but it is pretty cute. Pearl is getting Swahili the fastest of the three of us...I need to start formal lessons and plan to do so soon. NNMS started today....kinda strange that we have been in school for 4 weeks already...hope it is going well for all of you. Peek your heads in Mrs. N and Lydia's rooms and tell them the girls will be writing soon!!!
Work has been going smoothly...just got an email from a friend of my mom's boyfriend (follow that?) anyway he is connecting me to Mark Green the Ambassador of Tanzania from the US....think I should tell him I think my night guard smokes weed?

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Blog phobia

Hi all...thanks for all the wonderful responses I got to my wondering "is there anyone out there". I was moved by how many people responded and the kind words attached. I am now on a computer with a bad space bar and some stuck bear with me. First a word feels a bit narcissitic to write about oneself and ones children without the natural give and take of conversation. It doesn't allow me the opprotunity to ask all of you how you are your's just US and Me....sorry...I miss you all and love when I get newsy emails detailing your lives as I know that is a big thing we gave up for this year. It is essentially for us a small focused our daily existence in the moment. I am very aware that this time is limited so please indulge me in my writing a bit of self-absorbed rhetoric....thanks. This also serves as a diary for us to reflect on when we get back and the impact of this experience hits us.
This weekend was again amazing. The girls and I traveled to Tarangire National Park (sorry I thought it was Manyara originally) to stay at Paul Olivers tented camp. I first met with the executives who own this company to find out about rates and secure an agreement for our trips. They invited us for free to enjoy any of their properties as I figure out this whole business. Nell and Pearl are getting some pretty good perks from this "bring your daughters to work" year. The camp is on the outside of the park...removed from anything, total wilderness. Clients must be escorted back and forth from their tents by an armed guard......lots of animals. The tents are luxrious, beds soooo comfortable...funky lighting and amazing open air bathroom and shower. They also offer walking safaris...we passed on this since I had several other places to see. Dinner was served family style which was entertaining...I could not belive how Nell and Pearl rose to their mannered best behavior. They engaged in conversation with the people around us...mostly English who were charmed by them. I felt proud and very relaxed as we sat by firelight looking at the brightest star lit sky we all had ever seen. On our walk back to the room Nell said "look mom there is your dada" she was pointing at the brightest star in the sky. I t brought tears to my eyes as I have thought of him often here....thinking about how he would have love the search for animals and the beauty of the land. Amazing how insightful and sensitive she is...we have never talked about my dad in that form...a star...but I sure liked hearing her say that.
We awoke early to find field mice had eaten our soap...and it's box...the girls had to save the box to show their friends at school. I am sure you may get a chance to see it as these types of things are becoming prize pocessions. Other aquisitions were the sausage fruits picked up for them by our driver Paul. Paul works for Rift Cross Safari's the tour group i am working with...he got then the fruits off of the trees that they hang from. They really look like sausages. Now the girls have decorated these and dressed them and taken them to school. It's gone so far that Nell even wrote a note for hers to miss swimming class today because of a cold...not hers...the fruits'. These fruits are really heavy....imagine them carrying a big decorated log to school each day....PPF. Pretty pretty funny.
I've just heard that Alex is coming to visit us...very happy to have him here...
The driving is going great...I feel totally comfortable now...I can get around town no problem which has really helped me get going on my Global Alliance work. I now have changed all the hotels I originally thought we would use to better and surpisingly less expensive ones...this will really enhance the programs here. I have tons more to say and hope to have more time tomorrow...Nell and Pearl have lunch play date after school so i better go get provisions!!! loveto you all!!!!